Generate a table of statistical summaries of pharmacokinetic concentrations
The table will be generated already as an IQRrmd object, allowing easy reporting in Word with IQReport. The table is done per PROFILE and GROUP. Important: Ignored records (INGORER & IGNORSUM) are not reported in these tables! Ignored subjects (IGNOREI) are removed as well.
stratify_by = c("GROUPN", "PROFILE"),
statistics = c("MEAN", "SD", "CVPMN", "GMEAN", "CVPGM", "MEDIAN", "MIN", "MAX"),
table_number = NULL,
table_split_by = NULL,
table_head = c("AGE", "RACE", "SEX"),
table_cols = c("PROFILE", "GROUP"),
table_compare = NULL,
labels = NULL,
roundfun = signif,
digits = c(MEAN = 3, SD = 3, CVPMN = 3),
fontsize = 8,
page_orientation = c("landscape", "portrait"),
filename = NULL
- data
IQdataNCA object
- stratify_by
Columns that define the groups that are summarized
- statistics
Statistics to be calculated and displayed. Defined by character vector of shortnames:
Short name Description ============ =========== N Number of subjects MEAN Arithmetic mean SD Arithmetic standard deviaion CVPMN Arithmetic coefficient of variation (percent) CI95MN 95% confidence interval for arithmetic mean CI90MN 90% confidence interval for arithmetic mean GMEAN Geometric mean GSD Geometric standard deviaion CVPGM Geometric coefficient of variation (percent) CI95GM 95% confidence interval for geometric mean CI90GM 90% confidence interval for geometric mean MEDIAN Median MIN Maximum value MAX Minimum value - table_number
Character string with table number information, added to the title for each table, if defined
- table_split_by
Column to split tables by (defaults to NULL, hence, only single table produced)
- table_head
Common information for split to be displayed above table
- table_cols
Columns to be displayed before the summary statistics
- table_compare
Single column defining groups for which the statistics are displayed side-by-side
- labels
Customized labels for columns that substitute the column name in the IQdataNCA object. Applies to 'table_head', 'table_cols', and the entries of 'table_compare'
- roundfun
Rounding function to be used (defaults to signif)
- digits
Number of digits to be used for rounding
- fontsize
Fontsize to be used in the table
- page_orientation
Page orientation, 'landscape' or 'portrait'
- filename
Filename to export the table IQRrmd object to
An IQRrmd object exported to a file
See also
Other TLF customized:
if (FALSE) {