Generate a detailed listing of individual pharmacokinetic parameters
The listing is split by a user-given column and defaults to USUBJID. If a filename is given, an rmd file is generated allowing easy reporting in Word with IQReport. Otherwise, a IQncaTableList object is returned containing all tables, titles, and footers which can be exported as an rmd file using write_IQncaTableList.
table_number = NULL,
table_split_by = "USUBJID",
table_head = c("SEX", "AGE", "RACE"),
table_cols = c("PROFILE", "GROUP", "DOSE"),
table_pkpars = "standard",
pkpars_as_cols = FALSE,
labels = NULL,
roundfun = signif,
digits = 4,
fontsize = 8,
page_orientation = c("landscape", "portrait"),
filename = NULL
- data
IQdataNCA object
- table_number
Character string with listing number information, added to the title for each table, if defined
- table_split_by
Column name to define the split to different tables
- table_head
Column names of covariates unique within splits to be displayed above the table
- table_cols
Column names to be displayed as table columns
- table_pkpars
Character string defining the PK parameters to report in the table By default these parameters will be selected based on the "Standard" parameters defined in the IQparamNCA_Specification.xlsx document, subject to the profile and administration type. The user can select "All" or "Standard". Alternatively, parameterReport can also be a vector or parameter names (based on PKPARAMCD in IQparamNCA_Specification.xlsx). Instead of the standard or all ones then these will be considered in the listing (also subject to profile and administration type).
- pkpars_as_cols
flag whether to display parameters in colums. Defaults to FALSE such that parameters are listed in rows.
- labels
Named vector with labels that should be used for column names or as name for the common covariates.
- roundfun
Rounding function (expecting the numeric vector and number of digits to be input arguments). Defaults to signif. Suggested alternative is round.
- digits
Named vector with digits to be used for rounding for different columns
- fontsize
Fontsize to be used in the table
- page_orientation
Page orientation, 'landscape' or 'portrait'
- filename
Filename to export the listing IQRrmd object to
An IQRrmd object exported to a file or IQncaTableList
As a default, PK parameters are displayed in rows which can be switched to a column-wise table.
See also
Other TLF customized: