Generate line figures of PK concentration for reporting
Lines connect data for each profile within one individual. Lines can be color-stratified and distributed to different panels.
split_by = "PROFILE",
lines_by = "GROUP",
panel_by = "STUDYID",
dosenorm = FALSE,
time = "asis",
figure_number = NULL,
figure_head = NULL,
labels = NULL,
yscale = c("linlog", "lin", "log"),
legend_pos = "bottom",
sameXaxis = TRUE,
sameYaxis = TRUE,
filename = NULL,
type = "overlay_figure",
- data
IQdataNCA object
- split_by
Column to split figures to separate pages.
- lines_by
grouping used for linetypes
- panel_by
variable to create panels by
- dosenorm
logical whether to plot dose normalized concentrations
- time
Character string to defined the time information used ("asis", "nominal", "actual"). "asis" will use the selected time information in the dataset (TIME or TAFD). "nominal" will use NTIME or NTAFD. "actual" will use ATIME or ATAFD.
- use_TAFD
logical. FALSE (default) uses TIME, NTIME, or ATIME, depending on 'time' settings. TRUE will use TAFD, NTAFD, or ATAFD.
- figure_number
Character string with figure number information, added to the title for each figure, if defined
- figure_head
Column names of covariates unique within pages to be displayed above the table
- labels
names character vector with labels for columns
- yscale
character identifying whether to plot linear ("lin") or semilogarithmic ("log") or both views ("linlog")
- legend_pos
specifying legend position ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", or two-element numeric vector)
- sameXaxis
Flag whether to use same x axis scale across pages (splits). Defaults to TRUE.
- sameYaxis
Flag whether to use same y axis scale across pages (splits). Defaults to TRUE.
- filename
Name of PDF file to generate with plots
- type
Type of figure (meta data)
- ...
Arguments to IQRoutputFigure to adjust plotting settings
Returns a list of all plots if filename is NULL
Ignored records (IGNORER) are removed from these plots. IGNORSUM and IGNORNCA records are included. Ignored subjects (IGNOREI) are included. In addition to a PDF file with the figures a folder containing amongst other meta information an rmd file will be generated. The RMD file is for seamless reporting in Word with IQReport.
See also
Other TLF customized: