Generate summary figures of PK concentration for reporting
An average and a variability statistic are calculated for the stratification defined by the
split to pages (split_by
), linetype stratification (lines_by
), and facetting to different panels (panel_by
The average and variability can be defined by the user:
statistic_avg = c("MEAN", "GMEAN", "MEDIAN"),
statistic_var = c("SD", "GSD", "PI90", "PI95"),
split_by = "PROFILE",
lines_by = "GROUP",
panel_by = "STUDYID",
dosenorm = FALSE,
figure_number = NULL,
figure_head = NULL,
labels = NULL,
yscale = "linlog",
legend_pos = "bottom",
sameXaxis = TRUE,
sameYaxis = TRUE,
filename = NULL,
type = "figure_summary",
- data
IQdataNCA object
- statistic_avg
Statistic to be used to present 'average' value. MEAN, GMEAN, or MEDIAN. See description.
- statistic_var
Statistic to be used to present 'variablity' of values. SD, GSD, PI90, or PI95. See description.
- split_by
Column to split figures to separate pages.
- lines_by
grouping used for linetypes
- panel_by
variable to create panels by
- dosenorm
logical whether to plot dose normalized concentrations
- use_TAFD
logical. FALSE (default) uses TIME, NTIME, or ATIME, depending on 'time' settings. TRUE will use TAFD, NTAFD, or ATAFD.
- figure_number
Character string with figure number information, added to the title for each figure, if defined
- figure_head
Column names of covariates unique within pages to be displayed above the table
- labels
names character vector with labels for columns
- yscale
character identifying whether to plot linear ("lin") or semilogarithmic ("log") or both views ("linlog")
- legend_pos
specifying legend position ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", or two-element numeric vector)
- sameXaxis
Flag whether to use same x axis scale across pages (splits). Defaults to TRUE.
- sameYaxis
Flag whether to use same y axis scale across pages (splits). Defaults to TRUE.
- filename
Name of PDF file to generate with plots
- type
Type of figure (meta data)
- ...
Arguments to IQRoutputFigure to adjust plotting settings
Returns a list of all plots if filename is NULL
Input | Keyword | Description |
statistic_avg | MEAN | Arithmetic mean |
statistic_avg | GMEAN | Geometric mean |
statistic_avg | MEDIAN | Median |
statistic_var | SD | Standard deviation (arithmetic) |
statistic_var | GSD | Standard deviation (geometric) |
statistic_var | PI90 | 90%-interval |
statistic_var | PI95 | 95%-interval |
Ignored records (IGNORER) are removed from these plots. IGNORSUM and IGNORNCA records are included. Ignored subjects (IGNOREI) are included. In addition to a PDF file with the figures a folder containing amongst other meta information an rmd file will be generated. The RMD file is for seamless reporting in Word with IQReport.
See also
Other TLF customized: