Convenience function for setting additional page layout options (opt.layout) for IQRoutputFigure
Convenience function for setting additional page layout options (opt.layout) for IQRoutputFigure
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
npage = NULL,
legend.option = NULL,
legend.object = NULL,
legend.position = NULL,
legend.relsize = NULL,
title.relheight = NULL,
subtitle.relheight = NULL,
footer.relheight = NULL
- nrow
Number of rows per page
- ncol
Number of columns per page
- npage
Number of pages (ignored if both nrow and ncol are given)
- legend.option
Character or numeric whether to leave legend in plots as is ('', 1), remove all legends from the plots ('remove', 2), or plot common legend ('common', 3). As common legend, the legend of the first plot per page is used if not user provided by 'legend.object'
- legend.object
User-provided legend
- legend.position
Position of legend relative to main plots. Can be 'right' (default), 'left', 'top', or 'bottom'.
- legend.relsize
Fraction of plot region (width for left or right position, height for top or bottom position) allocated to legend.
- title.relheight
Fraction of page height allocated to plot title (if exists).
- subtitle.relheight
Fraction of page height allocated to plot subtitle (if exists).
- footer.relheight
Fraction of page height allocated to plot footer (if exists).
Returns a opt.layout list for IQRoutputFigure